
Ann Dueck
Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Ann is a research engineer working with thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in backfill and buffer materials. The main focus of the work is laboratory experiments with analyses and reporting regarding the behavior of bentonite in water saturated and unsaturated states.
+46 708 630 433

Billy Fälth
Ph.D. Geophysics
Billy’s work is focused on rock mechanics modelling, in particular earthquake simulations to study co-seismic secondary effects in the deep repository. Billy has been working with background thermo-mechanical calculations for SKB’s safety assessments as well as with calculations in connection with large field tests.
+46 702 863 293

Magnus Hedström
Ph.D. Quantum Chemistry
Magnus is a research scientist focussing on physico-chemical aspects of bentonite clay. He performs experimental and theoretical work including molecular dynamics simulation, to understand the long-term behaviour of bentonite and its interaction with other components in the repository environment. Magnus has the main responsibility for the work on clay colloid stability, including process description in SR-Site for SKB.
+46 70 434 55 99

Viktor Jensen
M. Sc. Enviromental Engineering

Ola Kristensson
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
Ola is a modeller of Clay Technology. His main work task is modelling of bentonite buffer and backfill THM processes. He has been involved in modelling many of the processes and scenarios in SR-Site for SKB as well as several field tests.
+46 704 345 598

Daniel Malmberg
Office Manager - Ph.D. Astrophysics
Daniels is a modeller primarily working with analysing the THM behaviour of the bentonite buffer and backfill. He has taken part in the modelling of both several large field tests as well as in some tasks within SR-site for SKB.
+46 704 345 597

Ulf Nilsson
Licentiate Industrial Electronics
Ulf is a research engineer mainly working in the laboratory with instrumentation, infrastructure and laboratory testing. He is responsible for the IT system of the company. He has also been involved in field test instrumentation and evaluation of transducer function.
+46 702 863 193

Torbjörn Sandén
Torbjörn is a research engineer involved in many projects dealing with different questions regarding the building of a final repository for spent nuclear fuel. He has been working with design, instrumentation and installation of several full scale field tests. Other examples of work are design and construction of test equipment, bentonite block manufacturing and implementation of different laboratory tests.
+46 706 248 993

Alex Spetz
Ph.D Computational Geomechanics
Alex is a modeller working on analysing the THM behaviour of buffer and backfill.
+46 763 28 43 15
Lennart Börgesson
Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Lennart is senior consultant at Clay Technology. He is a specialist in bentonite buffer and backfill THM-behaviour and modelling. He has been involved in modelling many of the processes and scenarios in SR-Site for SKB as well as many field and laboratory tests.
+46 705 820 483
Harald Hökmark
M.Sc. Physics
Harald is leading and coordinating Clay Technology’s rock mechanics services provided to SKB and other clients. He has had the main responsibility for the thermal, mechanical and thermo-mechanical analyses of the repository host rock carried out for SKB within the SR-Site project.
+46 706 763 384
Ola Karnland
B.Ed. Physics
Ola Karnland is a specialist regarding long term stability of bentonite, and the coupling between mineralogy and physico-chemical properties of bentonites. He has been project manager of a number of field and laboratory tests and engaged in the description of processes for performance assessments in the SR-Site application.
+46 706 763 374